Saturday, January 10, 2009

The world inside...

Sometimes we stop seeing people. You see them, you hear them but you don’t really listen to them. Why? Maybe because you are thinking whether you left the geyser on in before leaving, or that the maid will be coming in an hour and you need to rush home soon, or maybe you are plainly lazy. Sometimes people ask for help in their small subtle ways, but you are too lost in your own world to realize that they do. I,like anyone else, have been living in my cocoon since a long time now...thinking of nothing in particular, at least nothing really that important or urgent. Today when I was talking to a dear friend, suddenly I happened to see her and I felt that in the past two hours that we were together, I hadn’t really noticed her at all. Not that I did not pay attention to what she was saying, but I had not given her my 100% either. Sometimes the world inside your head becomes more real then the world outside and that’s when we stop living in the moment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very true.Sumtimes u r so much involved into the world in ur head that u tend to ignore (even if not consciously) the person or world around.But that’s totally out of ur control.Ur lyf just drags u to a situation where u cant possibly have a chance to live in ur present world.u are unknowingly forced to think, think so deeply that u start living in ur mind but not ur true life


  3. It is a very natural thing which happens to people who have a tendency of being in their own world.Its really difficult for others to understand this state of mind as they probably never have subconsciously gone into a different zone if I may say so.

  4. so true...but luckily I am very senstive towrds my friend

  5. Chand thats a good thing ya. I can be so lost that i can completely look through ppl!
